Blog Posts

Here was my first ever blog.  I think it is a great show of my work that I had done throughout my blogging and has always been one of my favorites because of both the context and the writing style.  I just love this Ronald Reagan speech that I talk about within the text and I believe that he is a great person to look to when one needs a little help with public speaking because he is so talented at it in my opinion.

Blog Post #1

For my second blog post, I chose another Rhetoric and Civic Life blog that I had written about after I had given my first speech in front of the class.  It was a huge learning experience for me and the blog pretty much sums up everything I was feeling when I delivered my advertisement speech.  I had been such a nervous wreck and I really learned that holding your composure is key when speaking to an audience from this experience.

Take a look at how I was feeling right after the speech was delivered:

Blog Post #2

As you can see, my LA101H class has also brought out a little bit of my "artistic" side in my meme I created for this blog post!

For my third blog, I decided to put up one of my posts from my Passion Blog, which is titled "And the Academy Award Goes To...".  In this blog, I watched and reviewed Academy Award winning films from six different decades.  I think my best showing is in the blog talking about the film "West Side Story".

Check it out!

Blog Post #3

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